JUNKies (01x01) - The Rocket Ride

Hello pal! Watch out and don't miss this new episode of JUNKies (01x01) - The Rocket Ride  . It is scheduled on Thursday August 18, 2011 at 10:00pm on your favorite and number one drama, comedy, sports and action TV station Science Channel. There you can relaxed at the same time you will enjoy your free time. I know you can't afford to miss this one.

On this new episode, you can see and feel mixed emotions because of the dramatic, action, and comedy type of show. Quite exciting isn't it? Every episode has a different kinds of emotions which can make it unique and remarkable one. 

It can make your day meaningful because there, you can get different kinds of strategies and ideas which you can apply on your daily life. You better watch it or else you can't relate to everyone around you because you're not updated.


At Jimmy's Junk, inventors are looking for parts to complete what appears to be a jet-propelled merry-go-round. Later, shop regular Hale Storm tries to sell Jimmy an African Birthing Chair and a gigantic piece that could take the yard to new heights.
JUNKies (01x01) - The Rocket Ride